CompTIA®A+ Exam Notes : Given a scenario, use methods to perform mobile device synchronization

3. Mobile Devices

3.5 Given a scenario, use methods to perform mobile device synchronization

Keeping information in sync between your desktop or laptop and your mobile device is one of features that many users want to take advantage of.There are many types of information that can be synced applications that can be installed to perform the synchronization and connection methods that can be used to do this.

Synchronization methods:There are 3 basic ways to synchronize various data types, You can synchronize to the cloud, a desktop, or an automobile's computer system.

1. Synchronize to the cloud: This provides central location for user's data such as contacts,Email,Pictures,Musics,Videos,applications,calendar,bookmarks,documents etc.

2. Synchronize to the desktop: In this method sync process is set up between two devices such as a smartphone and a desktop computer. Here the two devices sync with one another at any time on same network such as home wireless network.

3. Synchronize to the automobile: Cars can be synced to the mobile device either by using Bluetooth or by using cables designed by the vendors to connect to the car system.

Types of data to Syncronize: Users may be interested in maintaining a consistency between the state of data that exists on the laptop or desktop and state of same data on a mobile device.Following describes the types of data.

Contacts:The most important part of using any calling device is the contacts. The contacts may be stored in the phone or device, in the email accounts or in the sim , provided by the service provided to the user. This contact list can be saved in the external memory cards easily and that can be transferred to the computer for keeping a backup of it. Once that is done then how to put the numbers added recently. There is the place where synchronization is required.

Applications: Typically, the applications used for the sync process are OS dependent, i.e. a Google Gmail account for Google Drive on Android, Apple’s iCloud for syncs to and from the internet, and iTunes to/from the PC. Most mobile OSs include some type of sync or backup capability. Usually, these tools allow you to choose which content should be synced. Third party apps are also available should the built-in options not suit your needs.

Email: Email is an example of one of the earliest applications of synced and easily accessible data, email contact lists.Your email client may sync contacts or address books, reminders, and the emails themselves. You can choose to sync any or all of these.

Pictures: Pictures can be synced between devices and the internet. While technically a backup, using a shared internet location such as iCloud Drive or Google Drive allows you to sync your content easily. The online presence of your data is the key to unifying the content across all of your devices.

Music – Videos – Documents – Bookmarks: These can also be synced and shared using the same tools described above. Simply select or deselect the content as desired. It is important that you set how you want the sync to handle duplicate content. You don’t want to lose anything, but you also do not want multiple copies of the same content.

Calendar: The calendar is a critical application for both work and play. All mobil devices support syncing the calndar between devices.

Bookmarks: Bookmarks of frequently visited websites make everyone's day easier, and when the same ones are available in the browser of all your devices, including your mobile devices, it doubles the benefit. Bookmarks are another item that can be configured to sync automatically.

Documents:Technology to sync documents located in multiple locations has been around for some time. It is present in moderm mobile devices , users want to able to work any where on any device. Location data:In some cases, users may decide to allow an application to track their location for the purpose of tailoring search results. When this is done, it can be a onetime thing or the users can give the application ongoing permission to do so.

Social media data:When users have multiple accounts many mobile platforms such as Google and Apple offer applications that can allow them to track and post to multiple accounts at once, reducing the time requird to check and update the accounts.

E-books: Many users have accounts that give them access to books in digital format, or e-books. Naturally, they want to have access to thes books on all their devices.The sync process can keep their various devices up-to-date with the latest position of a bookmark in the book or of new items that have been highlighted or notes that have been made.

Passwords: Passwords can also be synchronized across devices.For ex, if you change Gmail password on one device it automatically updates it on all other devices.

Mutual Authentication for Multiple Services (SSO): Apple, Microsoft and Google allow mutual authentication for multiple services. For x single Microsoft account login provides access to Outlook email., Microsoft store, and OneDrive. A single Apple login provides access to iTunes, iCloud and other services. A single Google login provides access to Gmail, Android services and other services.

Software requirements to install the application on the PC: As with any software minimum hardware and disk-space requirements exist for installing the software that allows synchronization of mobile devices. Any computer on which a user would install these software applications should have USB and Wi-Fi for connectivity.

Connection Types to enable synchronization:The synchronization process can be carried out over several methods of connection between the devices. In some cases, you can connect the mobile device to the laptop or desktop using a USB connector. In other cases you can establish a Bluetooth connection from the mobile device and the desktop. Finally, an 802.11 WLAN can also be usd to establish this connection. In some instances the synchronization application will allow you to introduce a shared folder into the scenario., which then allows you to use the internet to syncfrom the laptop to the dropbox and then from the Dropbox to the mobile device.

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