- Core Services: required directly by customers to deliver
an intended outcome.
- Enabling Services: needed to ensure core services can
be delivered successfully, not visible to customers
- Enhancing Services: created to add features / values
to the customers, not essential.
2) IT service is a service provided by an IT service provider.
The IT service is made up of a combination of information technology,
people and processes. A customer-facing IT service directly
supports the business processes of one or more customers and
its service level targets should be defined in a service level
agreement. Other IT services, called supporting services, are
not directly used by the business but are required by the service
provider to deliver customer-facing services. IT Services consist
of taking care the design, implementation and maintenance of
all the components that are required to fulfill a business objective
for the users (i.e. IT and business integration, not just IT
and business alignment).
a)Values of IT services
- Create values for the business by supporting business
- Create values for end customers
- Reduce costs / increase productivity (enhance performance)
- Manage costs / risks / issues more effectively
- Reduce / remove constraints (e.g. not enough bandwidth)
- Facilitate achievement of outcomes (e.g. students registering
for a class)
b)Types of IT services:
There are three types of IT services according to customer
- Supporting Services (infrastructure services): not directly
visible to customers, managed with operation level agreements.
- Internal Customer-facing Services: enable internal customers
to carry out its business process, managed with service
level agreements.
- External Customer-facing Services: used by the external
customers, can be the business process itself, managed with
1.3 Service management
Service management is more than just a set of capabilities.
It is also a professional practice supported by an extensive
body of knowledge, experience and skills. A global community
of individuals and organizations in the public and private sectors
fosters its growth and maturity.
1.4 IT Service management
IT Service Management is the implementation and management
of quality IT services that meet the needs of the business.
IT service management is performed by IT service providers (to
internal or external customers) through an appropriate mix of
people, process and information technology.
IT service management make use of best practices i.e., a
set of generic (high level) guidelines based on the successful
experiences of a number of organizations, in service management,
adapt and apply for the business to save cost and improve quality.
Good practice could be either an application of best practice,
or an input into best practice.
1)Types of IT Service Providers.
- Type I: Internal Service Provider - service providers
located within the business unit, maybe several internal
service providers within an organization.
- Type II: Shared Services Unit - supports several business
units, e.g. centralized IT department.
- Type III: External Service Provider - delivers services
to external customers
1.5 Stakeholders in service
Stakeholders are individuals or groups that have an interest
in an organization, service, or project and are potentially
interested or engaged in the activities, resources, targets,
or deliverables from service management.
1)There are two types of stake holders they are:
- Internal stakeholders: within the service provider organization.
- External stakeholders: outside customers, users, suppliers
(vendors, network providers)
1.6 Processes, functions and
1)Process is a structured set of activities designed to accomplish
a specific objective. A process takes one or more defined inputs
and turns them into defined outputs
a)The four key characteristics of a process are:
- Measurability: We are able to measure the process in
a relevant manner. It is performance driven. Managers want
to measure cost, quality and other variables while practitioners
are concerned with duration and productivity.
- Specific results: The reason a process exists is to
deliver a specific result. This result must be individually
identifiable and countable.
- Customers Every process delivers its primary results
to a customer or stakeholder. Customers may be internal
or external to the organization, but the process must meet
their expectations.
- Responsiveness to specific triggers While a process
may be ongoing or iterative, it should be traceable to a
specific trigger.
1)Function is a team or group of people and the tools or
other resources they use to carry out one or more processes
or activities - for example, the service desk.
2)In larger organizations, a function may be broken out and
performed by several departments, teams and groups, or it may
be embodied within a single organizational unit
3)In smaller organizations, one person or group can perform
multiple functions - for example, a technical management department
could also incorporate the service desk function.
1)Role is a set of responsibilities, activities and authorities
granted to a person or team. One person/team can take up several
roles in different context. e.g. change management role, capacity
management role
a)Defined roles in ITIL:
- Group - a number of people performing similar activities,
not formal structure
- Team - a more formal structure for people working together
with a common objective
- Department - a formal organizational structure with
a hierarchical structure
- Division - a number of departments forming a self-contained
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