The actual functions of the router are controlled by the daemon. Each daemon operates in its own protected memory space, which is also controlled by the kernel.
The Management Daemon process controls all user access to the router. For example, the user's CLI is a client of mgd. The Chassis Daemon process controls the properties of the router itself, including the interaction of the passive midplane, the FPCs, and the control boards.
The Management Daemon process controls all user access to the router.
For example, the user's CLI is a client of mgd.
The router's interfaces are configured and maintained by the Device Control Daemon.
Exception Traffic: Packets addressed to the router, such as ICMP pings, Telnet, and SSH traffic are the exceptional packet.
By default, the firmware file will be copied to the /var/sw/pkg/ directory on internal storage upon software installation. With the no-copy option, the firmware file will not be copied to internal storage.
best-effort-load: Activate a partial load and treat parsing errors as warnings instead of errors.
no-copy: Install the software package but does not saves the copies of package files.
no-validate: Do not check the compatibility with current configuration before installation starts.
unlink: Remove the software package after successful installation.