SCJP Java Programming Exam Cram Notes : events

It is useful to divide the event classes into Semantic events and Low-level events.

Semantic Events

These classes are used for high-level semantic events, to represent user interaction with GUI. ActionEvent, AdjustmentEvent, ItemEvent, TextEvent

Event Class Source Event Types
ActionEvent Button - when clicked
List - when doubleclicked
MenuItem - when clicked
TextField - when Enter key is pressed
AdjustmentEvent Scrollbar - when adjustments are made ADJUSTMENT_VALUE_CHANGED
ItemEvent CheckBox - when selected or deselected
CheckboxMenuItem - same as checkbox
Choice - when an item is selected or deselected
List - when an item is selected or deselected

TextEvent TextFieldTextArea


Methods defined in the events to get the information about them.

Event Class Method Description
ActionEvent String getActionCommand Returns the command name associated with this action
int getModifiers Returns the sum of modifier constants corresponding to the keyboard modifiers held down during this action.
AdjustmentEvent int getvalue Returns the current value designated by the adjustable component
ItemEvent Object getItem Returns the object that was selected or deselected
Label of the checkbox
int getStateChange SELECTED DESELECTED Returned value indicates whether it was a selection or a de-selection that took place, given by the two constants in ItemEvent.

Low-level Events These classes are used to represent low-level input or window operations. Several low-level events can constitute a single semantic event. ComponentEvent, ContainerEvent, FocusEvent, KeyEvent, MouseEvent, PaintEvent, WindowEvent

Event Class Source Event Types
AWT handles this event automatically. Programs should not handle this event.
 AWT handles this event automatically. Programs should not handle this event.
FocusEvent All components FOCUS_GAINED, FOCUS_LOST
Receiving focus means the component will receive all the keystrokes
InputEvent All components This is an abstract class. Parent of KeyEvent and MouseEvent.
Constants for key and mouse masks are defined in this class.
KeyEvent All components KEYPRESSED, KEYRELEASED, KEYTYPED (when a character is typed)
PaintEvent All components This event occurs when a component should have its paint()/update() methods invoked. AWT handles this event automatically. Programs should not handle this event. This event is not supposed to be handled by the event listener model. Components should override paint/update methods to get rendered.
WindowEvent All windows This event is generated when an important operation is performed on a window.


Methods defined in the events to get the information about them.

Event Class Method Description
ComponentEvent Component getComponent Returns a reference to the same object as getSource, but the returned reference is of type Component.
ContainerEvent Container getContainer Returns the container where this event originated.
Component getChild Returns the child component that was added or removed in this event
FocusEvent boolean isTemporary Determines whether the loss of focus is permanent or temporary
InputEvent long getWhen Returns the time the event has taken place.
int getModifiers Returns the modifiers flag for this event.
KeyEvent int getKeyCode For KEY_PRESSED or KEY_RELEASED events, this method can be used to get the integer key-code associated with the key. Key-codes are defined as constants is KeyEvent class.
char getKeyChar For KEY_TYPED events, this method returns the Unicode character that was generated by the keystroke.
MouseEvent int getX Return the position of the mouse within the originated component at the time the event took place
int getY
Point getPoint
int getClickCount
WindowEvent Window getWindow Returns a reference to the Window object that caused the event to be generated.

Event Listeners

Each listener interface extends java.util.EventListener interface.

There are 11 listener interfaces corresponding to particular events. Any class that wants to handle an event should implement the corresponding interface.

Listener interface methods are passed the event object that has all the information about the event occurred. Then the listener classes should be registered with the component that is the source/originator of the event by calling the addXXXListener method on the component. Listeners are unregistered by calling removeXXXListener method on the component.

A component may have multiple listeners for any event type.

A component can be its own listener if it implements the necessary interface. Or it can handle its events by implementing the processEvent method. (This is discussed in explicit event enabling section).

All registered listeners with the component are notified (by invoking the methods passing the event object). But the order of notification is not guaranteed (even if the same component is registered as its own listener). Also the notification is not guaranteed to occur on the same thread. Listeners should take cautions not to corrupt the shared data. Access to any data shared between the listeners should be synchronized.

Same listener object can implement multiple listener interfaces.

Event listeners are usually implemented as anonymous classes.

Event Type Event Source Listener Registration and removal methods provided by the source Event Listener Interface implemented by a listener
ActionEvent Button
AdjustmentEvent Scrollbar  addAdjustmentListener
 ItemEvent Choice
Checkbox CheckboxMenuItem
TextEvent  TextField
ComponentEvent Component add ComponentListener remove ComponentListner ComponentListener
 ContainerEvent  Container addContainerListener removeContainerListner  ContainerListener
 FocusEvent  Component addFocusListener removeFocusListner

 KeyEvent  Component addKeyListener removeKeyListner  KeyListener
 MouseEvent  Component addMouseListener removeMouseListner  MouseListener
addMouseMotionListener removeMouseMotionListner MouseMotionListener
 WindowEvent  Window addWindowListener removeWindowListner  WindowListener

Event Listener interfaces and their methods:

Event Listener Interface Event Listener Methods
ActionListener void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
AdjustmentListener void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent evt)
ItemListener void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt)
TextListener void textValueChanged(TextEvent evt)
ComponentListener void componentHidden(ComponentEvent evt)
void componentShown(ComponentEvent evt)
void componentMoved(ComponentEvent evt)
void componentResized(ComponentEvent evt)
ContainerListener void componentAdded(ContainerEvent evt)
void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent evt)
FocusListener void focusGained(FocusEvent evt)
void focusLost(FocusEvent evt)
KeyListener void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt)
void keyReleased(KeyEvent evt)
void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt)
MouseListener void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt)
void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt)
void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt)
void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt)
 void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt)
MouseMotionListener void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt)
 void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt)
WindowListener void windowActivated(WindowEvent evt)
void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent evt)
void windowIconified(WindowEvent evt)
void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent evt)
void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
void windowClosed(WindowEvent evt)
void windowOpened(WindowEvent evt)

Event Adapters

Event Adapters are convenient classes implementing the event listener interfaces. They provide empty bodies for the listener interface methods, so we can implement only the methods of interest without providing empty implementation. They are useful when implementing low-level event listeners.

There are 7 event adapter classes, one each for one low-level event listener interface.

Obviously, in semantic event listener interfaces, there is only one method, so there is no need for event adapters

Event adapters are usually implemented as anonymous classes.

Explicit Event Enabling

How events are produced and handled?

OS dispatches events to JVM. How much low-level processing is done by OS or JVM depends on the type of the component. In case of Swing components JVM handles the low-level events.

JVM creates event objects and passes them to the components.

If the event is enabled for that component, processEvent method in that component (inherited from java.awt.Component) is called. Default behavior of this method is to delegate the processing to more specific processXXXEvent method. Then this processXXXEvent method invokes appropriate methods in all registered listeners of this event.

All the registered listeners of the event for the component are notified. But the order is not guaranteed.

This delegation model works well for pre-defined components. If the component is customized by sub-classing another component, then it has the opportunity to handle its own events by implementing appropriate processXXXEvent methods or the processEvent method itself.

To handle its own events, the subclass component must explicitly enable all events of interest. This is done by calling enableEvents method with appropriate event masks in the constructor. Enabling more than one event requires OR'ing corresponding event masks. These event masks are defined as constants in java.awt.AWTEvent.

If the component wants to also notify the registered listeners for the event, then the overriding methods should call the parent version of the methods explicitly.

Component class has a method processMouseMotionEvent, even though there is no event called MouseMotionEvent.

Steps for handling events using listeners or by the same component

Delegating to listeners Handling own events (explicit enabling)
1. Create a listener class, either by implementing an event listener interface or extending an event adapter class.
2. Create an instance of the component
3. Create an instance of the listener class
4. Call addXXXListener on the component passing the listener object. (This step automatically enables the processing of this type of event. Default behavior of processEvent method in the component is to delegate the processing to processXXXEvent and that method will invoke appropriate listener class methods.)
1. Create a subclass of a component
2. Call enableEvents(XXX_EVENT_MASK) in the constructor.
3. Provide processXXXEvent and/or processEvent in the subclass component. If also want to notify the listeners, call parent method.
4. Create an instance of the subclass component

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