For this kind of general I/O Stream/Reader/Writer model is
used. These classes are in package. They view the input/output
as an ordered sequence of bytes/characters.
We can create I/O chains of arbitrary length by chaining
these classes.
These classes are divided into two class hierarchies based
on the data type (either characters or bytes) on which they
operate. Streams operate on bytes while Readers/Writers operate
on chars.
However, it's often more convenient to group the classes
based on their purpose rather than on the data type they read
and write. Thus, we can cross-group the streams by whether they
read from and write to data "sinks" (Low level streams) or process
the information as its being read or written (High level filter
Low Level Streams / Data sink streams
Low Level Streams/Data sink streams read from or write to
specialized data sinks such as strings, files, or pipes. Typically,
for each reader or input stream intended to read from a specific
kind of input source, contains a parallel writer or
output stream that can create it. The following table gives's data sink streams.
Sink Type |
Character Streams |
Byte Streams |
Purpose |
Memory |
CharArrayReader, CharArrayWriter |
ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream |
Use these streams to read from and write to
memory. You create these streams on an existing
array and then use the read and write methods to
read from or write to the array. |
StringReader, StringWriter |
StringBufferInputStream |
Use StringReader to read characters from a String
as it lives in memory. Use StringWriter to write
to a String. StringWriter collects the characters
written to it in a StringBuffer, which can then
be converted to a String. StringBufferInputStream
is similar to StringReader, except that it reads
bytes from a StringBuffer. |
Pipe |
PipedReader PipedWriter |
PipedInputStream PipedOutputStream |
Implement the input and output components of
a pipe. Pipes are used to channel the output from
one program (or thread) into the input of another. |
File |
FileReader FileWriter |
FileInputStream FileOutputStream |
Collectively called file streams, these streams
are used to read from or write to a file on the
native file system. |
High Level Filter Streams / Processing streams
Processing streams perform some sort of operation, such as
buffering or character encoding, as they read and write. Like
the data sink streams, often contains pairs of streams:
one that performs a particular operation during reading and
another that performs the same operation (or reverses it) during
writing. This table gives's processing streams.
Process |
Character Streams |
Byte Streams |
Purpose |
Buffering |
BufferedReader, BufferedWriter |
BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream |
Buffer data while reading or writing, thereby
reducing the number of accesses required on the
original data source. Buffered streams are typically
more efficient than similar nonbuffered streams. |
Filtering |
FilterReader, FilterWriter |
FilterInputStream, FilterOutputStream |
Abstract classes, like their parents. They define
the interface for filter streams, which filter data
as it's being read or written. |
Converting between Bytes and Characters |
InputStreamReader, OutputStreamWriter |
NA |
A reader and writer pair that forms the bridge
between byte streams and character streams. An InputStreamReader
reads bytes from an InputStream and converts them
to characters using either the default character-encoding
or a character-encoding specified by name. Similarly,
an OutputStreamWriter converts characters to bytes
using either the default character-encoding or a
character-encoding specified by name and then writes
those bytes to an OutputStream. |
Concatenation |
SequenceInputStream |
Concatenates multiple input streams into one
input stream. |
Object Serialization |
ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream |
Used to serialize objects. |
Data Conversion |
DataInputStream, DataOutputStream |
Read or write primitive Java data types in a
machine-independent format. Implement DataInput/DataOutput
interfaces. |
Counting |
LineNumberReade |
LineNumberInputStream |
Keeps track of line numbers while reading. |
Peeking Ahead |
PushbackReader |
PushbackInputStream |
Two input streams each with a 1-character (or
byte) pushback buffer. Sometimes, when reading data
from a stream, you will find it useful to peek at
the next item in the stream in order to decide what
to do next. However, if you do peek ahead, you'll
need to put the item back so that it can be read
again and processed normally. Certain kinds of parsers
need this functionality. |
Printing |
PrintWriter |
PrintStream |
Contain convenient printing methods. These are
the easiest streams to write to, so you will often
see other writable streams wrapped in one of these. |
Reader and InputStream define similar APIs but for different
data types. For example, Reader contains these methods for reading
characters and arrays of characters:
int read() throws IOException
int read(char cbuf[]) throws IOException
abstract int read(char cbuf[], int offset, int length) throws IOException
InputStream defines the same methods but for reading bytes
and arrays of bytes:
abstract int read() throws IOException
int read(byte cbuf[]) throws IOException
int read(byte cbuf[], int offset, int length) throws IOException
Also, both Reader and InputStream provide methods for marking
a location in the stream, skipping input, and resetting the
current position.
Both Reader and InputStream are abstract. Subclasses should
provide implementation for the read() method.
Writer and OutputStream are similarly parallel. Writer defines
these methods for writing characters and arrays of characters:
int write(int c) throws IOException
abstract int write(char cbuf[])throws IOException
int write(char cbuf[], int offset, int length) throws IOException
And OutputStream defines the same methods but for bytes:
abstract int write(int c) throws IOException
int write(byte cbuf[]) throws IOException
int write(byte cbuf[], int offset, int length) throws IOException
Writer defines extra methods to write strings.
void write(String str) throws IOException
void write(String str, int offset, int length) throws IOException
Both Writer and OutputStream are abstract. Subclasses should
provide implementation for the write() method.
Constructors for some common streams, reader and writers:
File Input Stream
FileInputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException
FileInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
FileInputStream(FileDescriptor fdObj)
File Output Stream
FileOutputStream(String name) throws FileNotFoundException
FileOutputStream(String name, boolean append) throws FileNotFoundException
FileOutputStream (File file) throws FileNotFoundException
FileOutputStream (FileDescriptor fdObj)
Data Input Stream
DataInputStream(InputStream in)
DataOutputStream(OutputStream out)
Buffered Input/Output Stream
BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out)
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out, int size)
File Reader
FileReader(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
FileReader (FileDescriptor fdObj)
FileReader (String name) throws FileNotFoundException
File Writer
FileWriter(File file) throws IOException
FileWriter(String name) throws IOException
FileWriter(String name, boolean append) throws IOException
FileWriter(FileDescriptor fdObj)
Input Stream Reader
InputStreamReader(InputStream in)
InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String encodingName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
Output Stream Writer
OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out)
OutputStreamWriter (OutputStream out, String encodingName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
Print Writer
PrintWriter(Writer out)
PrintWriter(Writer out, boolean autoflush)
PrintWriter(OutputStream out)
PrintWriter(OutputStream out, boolean autoflush)
Buffered Reader/Writer
BufferedReader(Reader in)
BufferedReader(Reader in, int size)
BufferedWriter(Writer out)
BufferedWriter (Writer out, int size)
Encoding Name |
Character Set Name |
8859_1 |
ISO Latin-1 (subsumes ASCII) |
8859_2 |
ISO Latin-2 |
8859_3 |
ISO Latin-3 |
8859_4 |
ISO Latin / Cyrillic |
UTF8 |
Standard UTF-8 (subsumes ASCII) |
OutputStreamWriter and InputStreamReader are the only ones
where you can specify an encoding scheme apart from the default
encoding scheme of the host system. getEncoding method can be
used to obtain the encoding scheme used.
With UTF-8 Normal ASCII characters are given 1 byte. All
Java characters can be encoded with at most 3 bytes, never more.
All of the streams--readers, writers, input streams, and
output streams--are automatically opened when created. You can
close any stream explicitly by calling its close method. Or
the garbage collector can implicitly close it, which occurs
when the object is no longer referenced.
Closing the streams automatically flushes them. You can also
call flush method.
New FileWriter("filename") or FileOutputStream("filename")
will overwrite if "filename" is existing or create
a new file, if not existing. But we can specify the append mode
in the second argument.
Print writers provide the ability to write textual representations
of Java primitive values. They have to be chained to the low-level
streams or writers. Methods in this class never throw an IOException.
PrintStream and PrintWriter classes can be created with autoflush
feature, so that each println method will automatically be written
to the next available stream. PrintStream is deprecated.(though
System.out and System.err are still of this type) is of InputStream type., System.out, System.err are automatically created
for a program, by JVM.
Use buffered streams for improving performance.BufferedReader
provides readLine method.
User defined classes must implement Serializable or Externalizable
interfaces to be serialized.
Serializable is a marker interface with no methods. Externalizable
has two methods to be implemented - readExternal(ObjectInput)
and writeExternal(ObjectOutput).
ObjectOutputStream can write both Java Primitives and Object
hierarchies. When a compound object is serialized all its constituent
objects that are serializable are also serialized.
ObjectOutputStream implements ObjectOutput, which inherits
from DataOutput.
All AWT components implement Serializable (Since Component
class implements it), so by default we can just use an ObjectOutputStream
to serialize any AWT component.
File class is used to navigate the file system.
Constructing a File instance (or Garbage-Collecting it) never
affects the file system.
File class doesn't have a method to change the current working
File constructors
Constructor |
Description |
File(File dir, String name) |
Creates a File instance that represents the
file with the specified name in the specified directory
File(String path) |
Creates a File instance that represents the
file whose pathname is the given path argument. |
File(String path, String name) |
Creates a File instance whose pathname is the
pathname of the specified directory, followed by
the separator character, followed by the name argument.
File Methods
Method |
Description |
boolean canRead() |
Tests if the application can read from the specified
file. |
boolean canWrite() |
Tests if the application can write to this file.
boolean delete() |
Deletes the file specified by this object.
boolean exists() |
Tests if this File exists. |
String getAbsolutePath() |
Returns the absolute pathname of the file represented
by this object. |
String getCanonicalPath() |
Returns the canonical form of this File object's
pathname. |
String getName() |
Returns the name of the file represented by
this object. |
String getParent() |
Returns the parent part of the pathname of this
File object, or null if the name has no parent part.
String getPath() |
Returns the pathname of the file represented
by this object. |
boolean isAbsolute() |
Tests if the file represented by this File object
is an absolute pathname. |
boolean isDirectory() |
Tests if the file represented by this File object
is a directory. |
boolean isFile() |
Tests if the file represented by this File object
is a "normal" file. |
long lastModified() |
Returns the time that the file represented by
this File object was last modified. |
long length() |
Returns the length of the file (in bytes) represented
by this File object. |
String[] list() |
Returns a list of the files in the directory
specified by this File object. |
String[] list(FilenameFilter) |
Returns a list of the files in the directory
specified by this File that satisfy the specified
filter. FileNameFilter is an interface that
has a method accept(). This list method will
call accept for each entry in the list of files
and only returns the files for which accept returns
true. |
boolean mkdir() |
Creates a directory whose pathname is specified
by this File object. |
boolean mkdirs() |
Creates a directory whose pathname is specified
by this File object, including any necessary parent
directories. |
boolean renameTo(File) |
Renames the file specified by this File object
to have the pathname given by the File argument.
Instances of the file descriptor class serve as an opaque
handle to the underlying machine-specific structure representing
an open file or an open socket.
Applications should not create their own file descriptors
RandomAccessFile lets you read/write at arbitrary places
within files.
RAF provides methods to read/write bytes.
RAF also provides methods to read/write Java primitives and
UTF strings. (RAF implements the interfaces DataInput and DataOutput)
File and RAF instances should be closed when no longer needed.
All reading/writing operations throw an IOException. Need
to catch or declare our methods to be throwing that exception.
Read/Write methods throw a SecurityException if the application
doesn't have rights for the file.
RAF cannot be chained with streams/readers/writers.
RAF Constructors
RandomAccessFile(File file, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException
Creates a random access file stream to read from, and optionally to write to, the file specified by the File argument.
RandomAccessFile(String name, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException
Creates a random access file stream to read from, and optionally to write to, a file with the specified name.
The mode argument must either be equal to "r" or "rw", indicating
either to open the file for input or for both input and output.
Some RAF methods
long getFilePointer() throws IOException
Returns the offset from the beginning of the file, in bytes, at which the next read or write occurs.
void seek(long pos) throws IOException
Sets the file-pointer offset, measured from the beginning of this file, at which the next read or write occurs. The offset may be set beyond the end of the file. Setting the offset beyond the end of the file does not change the file length. The file length will change only by writing after the offset has been set beyond the end of the file.
long length() throws IOException
Returns the length of this file, measured in bytes.