Variables can also be overridden, it's known as shadowing
or hiding. But, member variable references are resolved at compile-time.
So at the runtime, if the class of the object referred by a
parent class reference variable, is in fact a sub-class having
a shadowing member variable, only the parent class variable
is accessed, since it's already resolved at compile time based
on the reference variable type. Only methods are resolved at
public class Shadow {
public static void main(String s[]) {
S1 s1 = new S1();
S2 s2 = new S2();
System.out.println(s1.s); // prints S1
System.out.println(s1.getS()); // prints S1
System.out.println(s2.s); // prints S2
System.out.println(s2.getS()); // prints S2
s1 = s2;
System.out.println(s1.s); // prints S1, not S2 -
// since variable is resolved at compile time
System.out.println(s1.getS()); // prints S2 -
// since method is resolved at run time
class S1 {
public String s = "S1";
public String getS() {
return s;
class S2 extends S1{
public String s = "S2";
public String getS() {
return s;
In the above code, if we didn't have the overriding getS()
method in the sub-class and if we call the method from sub-class
reference variable, the method will return only the super-class
member variable value. For explanation, see the following point.
Also, methods access variables only in context of the class
of the object they belong to. If a sub-class method calls explicitly
a super class method, the super class method always will access
the super-class variable. Super class methods will not access
the shadowing variables declared in subclasses because they
don't know about them. (When an object is created, instances
of all its super-classes are also created.) But the method accessed
will be again subject to dynamic lookup. It is always decided
at runtime which implementation is called. (Only static methods
are resolved at compile-time)
public class Shadow2 {
String s = "main";
public static void main(String s[]) {
S2 s2 = new S2();
s2.display(); // Produces an output - S1, S2
S1 s1 = new S1();
System.out.println(s1.getS()); // prints S1
System.out.println(s2.getS()); // prints S1 - since super-class method
// always accesses super-class variable
class S1 {
String s = "S1";
public String getS() {
return s;
void display() {
class S2 extends S1{
String s = "S2";
void display() {
super.display(); // Prints S1
System.out.println(s); // prints S2
With OO languages, the class of the object may not be known
at compile-time (by virtue of inheritance). JVM from the start
is designed to support OO. So, the JVM insures that the method
called will be from the real class of the object (not with the
variable type declared). This is accomplished by virtual method
invocation (late binding). Compiler will form the argument list
and produce one method invocation instruction - its job is over.
The job of identifying and calling the proper target code is
performed by JVM.
JVM knows about the variable's real type at any time since
when it allocates memory for an object, it also marks the type
with it. Objects always know 'who they are'. This is the basis
of instanceof operator.
Sub-classes can use super keyword to access the shadowed
variables in super-classes. This technique allows for accessing
only the immediate super-class. super.super is not valid. But
casting the 'this' reference to classes up above the hierarchy
will do the trick. By this way, variables in super-classes above
any level can be accessed from a sub-class, since variables
are resolved at compile time, when we cast the 'this' reference
to a super-super-class, the compiler binds the super-super-class
variable. But this technique is not possible with methods since
methods are resolved always at runtime, and the method gets
called depends on the type of object, not the type of reference
variable. So it is not at all possible to access a method in
a super-super-class from a subclass.
public class ShadowTest {
public static void main(String s[]){
new STChild().demo();
class STGrandParent {
double wealth = 50000.00;
public double getWealth() {
System.out.println("GrandParent-" + wealth);
return wealth;
class STParent extends STGrandParent {
double wealth = 100000.00;
public double getWealth() {
System.out.println("Parent-" + wealth);
return wealth;
class STChild extends STParent {
double wealth = 200000.00;
public double getWealth() {
System.out.println("Child-" + wealth);
return wealth;
public void demo() {
getWealth(); // Calls Child method
super.getWealth(); // Calls Parent method
// Compiler error, GrandParent method cannot be accessed
// Calls Child method, due to dynamic method lookup
// Calls Child method, due to dynamic method lookup
System.out.println(wealth); // Prints Child wealth
System.out.println(super.wealth); // Prints Parent wealth
// Prints Parent wealth
// Prints GrandParent wealth
An inherited method, which was not abstract on the super-class,
can be declared abstract in a sub-class (thereby making the
sub-class abstract). There is no restriction. In the same token,
a subclass can be declared abstract regardless of whether the
super-class was abstract or not.
Private members are not inherited, but they do exist in the
sub-classes. Since the private methods are not inherited, they
cannot be overridden. A method in a subclass with the same signature
as a private method in the super-class is essentially a new
method, independent from super-class, since the private method
in the super-class is not visible in the sub-class.
public class PrivateTest {
public static void main(String s[]){
new PTSuper().hi(); // Prints always Super
new PTSub().hi(); // Prints Super when subclass doesn't have hi method
// Prints Sub when subclass has hi method
PTSuper sup;
sup = new PTSub();
sup.hi(); // Prints Super when subclass doesn't have hi method
// Prints Sub when subclass has hi method
class PTSuper {
public void hi() { // Super-class implementation always calls superclass hello
private void hello() { // This method is not inherited by subclasses, but exists in them.
// Commenting out both the methods in the subclass show this.
// The test will then print "hello-Super" for all three calls
// i.e. Always the super-class implementations are called
class PTSub extends PTSuper {
public void hi() { // This method overrides super-class hi, calls subclass hello
try {
catch(Exception e) {}
void hello() throws Exception { // This method is independent from super-class hello
// Evident from, it's allowed to throw Exception
Private methods are not overridden, so calls to private methods
are resolved at compile time and not subject to dynamic method
lookup. See the following example.
public class Poly {
public static void main(String args[]) {
PolyA ref1 = new PolyC();
PolyB ref2 = (PolyB)ref1;
System.out.println(ref2.g()); // This prints 1
// If f() is not private in PolyB, then prints 2
class PolyA {
private int f() { return 0; }
public int g() { return 3; }
class PolyB extends PolyA {
private int f() { return 1; }
public int g() { return f(); }
class PolyC extends PolyB {
public int f() { return 2; }
Constructors and Sub-classing
Constructors are not inherited as normal methods, they have
to be defined in the class itself.
If you define no constructors at all, then the compiler provides
a default constructor with no arguments. Even if, you define
one constructor, this default is not provided.
We can't compile a sub-class if the immediate super-class
doesn't have a no argument default constructor, and sub-class
constructors are not calling super or this explicitly (and expect
the compiler to insert an implicit super() call )
A constructor can call other overloaded constructors by 'this
(arguments)'. If you use this, it must be the first statement
in the constructor. This construct can be used only from within
a constructor.
A constructor can't call the same constructor from within.
Compiler will say ' recursive constructor invocation'
A constructor can call the parent class constructor explicitly
by using 'super (arguments)'. If you do this, it must be first
the statement in the constructor. This construct can be used
only from within a constructor.
Obviously, we can't use both this and super in the same constructor.
If compiler sees a this or super, it won't insert a default
call to super().
Constructors can't have a return type. A method with a class
name, but with a return type is not considered a constructor,
but just a method by compiler. Expect trick questions using
Constructor body can have an empty return statement. Though
void cannot be specified with the constructor signature, empty
return statement is acceptable.
Only modifiers that a constructor can have are the accessibility
Constructors cannot be overridden, since they are not inherited.
Initializers are used in initialization of objects and classes
and to define constants in interfaces. These initializers are
1. Static and Instance variable initializer expressions.
- Literals and method calls to initialize variables. Static
variables can be initialized
- only by static method calls.
- Cannot pass on the checked exceptions. Must catch and
handle them.
2. Static initializer blocks.
- Used to initialize static variables and load native
- Cannot pass on the checked exceptions. Must catch and
handle them.
3. Instance initializer blocks.
- Used to factor out code that is common to all the constructors.
- Also useful with anonymous classes since they cannot
have constructors.
- All constructors must declare the uncaught checked exceptions,
if any.
- Instance Initializers in anonymous classes can throw
any exception.
In all the initializers, forward referencing of variables
is not allowed. Forward referencing of methods is allowed.
Order of code execution (when creating an object) is a bit
- static variables initialization.
- static initializer block execution. (in the order of
declaration, if multiple blocks found)
- constructor header ( super or this - implicit or explicit
- instance variables initialization / instance initializer
block(s) execution
- rest of the code in the constructor
- All methods in an interface are implicitly public, abstract,
and never static.
- All variables in an interface are implicitly static,
public, final. They cannot be transient or volatile. A class
can shadow the variables it inherits from an interface,
with its own variables.
- A top-level interface itself cannot be declared as static
or final since it doesn't make sense.
- Declaring parameters to be final is at method's discretion,
this is not part of method signature.
- Same case with final, synchronized, native. Classes
can declare the methods to be final, synchronized or native
whereas in an interface they cannot be specified like that.
(These are implementation details, interface need not worry
about this)
- But classes cannot implement an interface method with
a static method.
- If an interface specifies an exception list for a method,
then the class implementing the interface need not declare
the method with the exception list. (Overriding methods
can specify sub-set of overridden method's exceptions, here
none is a sub-set). But if the interface didn't specify
any exception list for a method, then the class cannot throw
any exceptions.
- All interface methods should have public accessibility
when implemented in class.
- Interfaces cannot be declared final, since they are
implicitly abstract.
- A class can implement two interfaces that have a method
with the same signature or variables with the same name.
Inner Classes:
A class can be declared in any scope. Classes defined inside
of other classes are known as nested classes. There are four
categories of nested classes.
1. Top-level nested classes / interfaces
- Declared as a class member with static modifier.
- Just like other static features of a class. Can be accessed
/ instantiated without an instance of the outer class. Can
access only static members of outer class. Can't access
instance variables or methods.
- Very much like any-other package level class / interface.
Provide an extension to packaging by the modified naming
scheme at the top level.
- Classes can declare both static and non-static members.
- Any accessibility modifier can be specified.
- Interfaces are implicitly static (static modifier also
can be specified). They can have any accessibility modifier.
There are no non-static inner, local or anonymous interfaces.
2. Non-static inner classes
- Declared as a class member without static.
- An instance of a non-static inner class can exist only
with an instance of its enclosing class. So it always has
to be created within a context of an outer instance.
- Just like other non-static features of a class. Can
access all the features (even private) of the enclosing
outer class. Have an implicit reference to the enclosing
- Cannot have any static members.
- Can have any access modifier.
3. Local classes
- Defined inside a block (could be a method, a constructor,
a local block, a static initializer or an instance initializer).
Cannot be specified with static modifier.
- Cannot have any access modifier (since they are effectively
local to the block)
- Cannot declare any static members.(Even declared in
a static context)
- Can access all the features of the enclosing class (because
they are defined inside the method of the class) but can
access only final variables defined inside the method (including
method arguments). This is because the class can outlive
the method, but the method local variables will go out of
scope - in case of final variables, compiler makes a copy
of those variables to be used by the class. (New meaning
for final)
- Since the names of local classes are not visible outside
the local context, references of these classes cannot be
declared outside. So their functionality could be accessed
only via super-class references (either interfaces or classes).
Objects of those class types are created inside methods
and returned as super-class type references to the outside
world. This is the reason that they can only access final
variables within the local block. That way, the value of
the variable can be always made available to the objects
returned from the local context to outside world.
- Cannot be specified with static modifier. But if they
are declared inside a static context such as a static method
or a static initializer, they become static classes. They
can only access static members of the enclosing class and
local final variables. But this doesn't mean they cannot
access any non-static features inherited from super classes.
These features are their own, obtained via the inheritance
hierarchy. They can be accessed normally with 'this' or
4. Anonymous classes
- Anonymous classes are defined where they are constructed.
They can be created wherever a reference expression can
be used.
- Anonymous classes cannot have explicit constructors.
Instance initializers can be used to achieve the functionality
of a constructor.
- Typically used for creating objects on the fly.
- Anonymous classes can implement an interface (implicit
extension of Object) or explicitly extend a class. Cannot
do both.
- Syntax: new interface name() { } or new class
name() { }
- Keywords implements and extends are not used in anonymous
- Abstract classes can be specified in the creation of
an anonymous class. The new class is a concrete class, which
automatically extends the abstract class.
- Discussion for local classes on static/non-static context,
accessing enclosing variables, and declaring static variables
also holds good for anonymous classes. In other words, anonymous
classes cannot be specified with static, but based on the
context, they could become static classes. In any case,
anonymous classes are not allowed to declare static members.
Based on the context, non-static/static features of outer
classes are available to anonymous classes. Local final
variables are always available to them.
- One enclosing class can have multiple instances of inner
- Inner classes can have synchronous methods. But calling
those methods obtains the lock for inner object only not
the outer object. If you need to synchronize an inner class
method based on outer object, outer object lock must be
obtained explicitly. Locks on inner object and outer object
are independent.
- Nested classes can extend any class or can implement
any interface. No restrictions.
- All nested classes (except anonymous classes) can be
abstract or final.
- Classes can be nested to any depth. Top-level static
classes can be nested only within other static top-level
classes or interfaces. Deeply nested classes also have access
to all variables of the outer-most enclosing class (as well
the immediate enclosing class's)
- Member inner classes can be forward referenced. Local
inner classes cannot be.
- An inner class variable can shadow an outer class variable.
In this case, an outer class variable can be referred as
- Outer class variables are accessible within the inner
class, but they are not inherited. They don't become members
of the inner class. This is different from inheritance.
(Outer class cannot be referred using 'super', and outer
class variables cannot be accessed using 'this')
- An inner class variable can shadow an outer class variable.
If the inner class is sub-classed within the same outer
class, the variable has to be qualified explicitly in the
sub-class. To fully qualify the variable, use classname.this.variablename.
If we don't correctly qualify the variable, a compiler error
will occur. (Note that this does not happen in multiple
levels of inheritance where an upper-most super-class's
variable is silently shadowed by the most recent super-class
variable or in multiple levels of nested inner classes where
an inner-most class's variable silently shadows an outer-most
class's variable. Problem comes only when these two hierarchy
chains (inheritance and containment) clash.)
- If the inner class is sub-classed outside of the outer
class (only possible with top-level nested classes) explicit
qualification is not needed (it becomes regular class inheritance)
Example 1
public class InnerInnerTest {
public static void main(String s[]) {
new Outer().new Inner().new InnerInner().new InnerInnerInner().doSomething();
new Outer().new InnerChild().doSomething();
new Outer2().new Inner2().new InnerInner2().doSomething();
new InnerChild2().doSomething();
class Outer {
String name = "Vel";
class Inner {
String name = "Sharmi";
class InnerInner {
class InnerInnerInner {
public void doSomething() {
// No problem in accessing without full qualification,
// inner-most class variable shadows the outer-most class variable
System.out.println(name); // Prints "Sharmi"
System.out.println(; // Prints "Vel", explicit reference to Outer
// error, variable is not inherited from the outer class, it can be just accessible
// System.out.println(;
// System.out.println(;
// System.out.println(;
// error, super cannot be used to access outer class.
// super will always refer the parent, in this case Object
// System.out.println(;
System.out.println(; // Prints "Sharmi", Inner has declared 'name'
/* This is an inner class extending an inner class in the same scope */
class InnerChild extends Inner {
public void doSomething() {
// compiler error, explicit qualifier needed
// 'name' is inherited from Inner, Outer's 'name' is also in scope
// System.out.println(name);
System.out.println(; // prints "Vel", explicit reference to Outer
System.out.println(; // prints "Sharmi", Inner has declared 'name'
System.out.println(; // prints "Sharmi", name is inherited by InnerChild
class Outer2 {
static String name = "Vel";
static class Inner2 {
static String name = "Sharmi";
class InnerInner2 {
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println(name); // prints "Sharmi", inner-most hides outer-most
System.out.println(; // prints "Vel", explicit reference to Outer2's static variable
// System.out.println(; // error, 'name' is not inherited
// System.out.println(; // error, super refers to Object
/* This is a stand-alone class extending an inner class */
class InnerChild2 extends Outer2.Inner2 {
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println(name); // prints "Sharmi", Inner2's name is inherited
System.out.println(; // prints "Vel", explicit reference to Outer2's static variable
System.out.println(; // prints "Sharmi", Inner2 has declared 'name'
System.out.println(; // prints "Sharmi", name is inherited by InnerChild2
Example 2
public class InnerTest2 {
public static void main(String s[]) {
new OuterClass().doSomething(10, 20);
// This is legal
// OuterClass.InnerClass ic = new OuterClass().new InnerClass();
// ic.doSomething();
// Compiler error, local inner classes cannot be accessed from outside
// OuterClass.LocalInnerClass lic = new OuterClass().new LocalInnerClass();
// lic.doSomething();
new OuterClass().doAnonymous();
class OuterClass {
final int a = 100;
private String secret = "Nothing serious";
public void doSomething(int arg, final int fa) {
final int x = 100;
int y = 200;
System.out.println(this.getClass() + " - in doSomething");
System.out.print("a = " + a + " secret = " + secret + " arg = " + arg + " fa = " + fa);
System.out.println(" x = " + x + " y = " + y);
// Compiler error, forward reference of local inner class
// new LocalInnerClass().doSomething();
abstract class AncestorLocalInnerClass { } // inner class can be abstract
final class LocalInnerClass extends AncestorLocalInnerClass { // can be final
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println(this.getClass() + " - in doSomething");
System.out.print("a = " + a );
System.out.print(" secret = " + secret);
// System.out.print(" arg = " + arg); // Compiler error, accessing non-final argument
System.out.print(" fa = " + fa);
System.out.println(" x = " + x);
// System.out.println(" y = " + y); // Compiler error, accessing non-final variable
new InnerClass().doSomething(); // forward reference fine for member inner class
new LocalInnerClass().doSomething();
abstract class AncestorInnerClass { }
interface InnerInterface { final int someConstant = 999;} // inner interface
class InnerClass extends AncestorInnerClass implements InnerInterface {
public void doSomething() {
System.out.println(this.getClass() + " - in doSomething");
System.out.println("a = " + a + " secret = " + secret + " someConstant = " + someConstant);
public void doAnonymous() {
// Anonymous class implementing the inner interface
System.out.println((new InnerInterface() { }).someConstant);
// Anonymous class extending the inner class
( new InnerClass() {
public void doSomething() {
secret = "secret is changed";
} ).doSomething();
Entity |
Declaration Context |
Accessibility Modifiers |
Outer instance |
Direct Access to enclosing context |
Defines static or non-static members |
Package level class |
As package member |
Public or default |
No |
N/A |
Both static and non-static |
Top level nested class (static) |
Asstatic class member |
All |
No |
Static members in enclosing context |
Both static and non-static |
Non static inner class |
As non-static class member |
All |
Yes |
All members in enclosing context |
Only non-static |
Local class (non-static) |
In block with non-static context |
None |
Yes |
All members in enclosing context + local final
variables |
'Only non-static |
Local class (static) |
In block with static context |
None |
No |
Static members in enclosing context + local
final variables |
Only non-static |
Anonymous class (non-static) |
In block with non-static context |
None |
Yes |
All members in enclosing context + local final
variables |
Only non-static |
Anonymous class (static) |
In block with static context |
None |
No |
Static members in enclosing context + local
final variables |
Only non-static |
Package level interface |
As package member |
Public or default |
No |
N/A |
Static variables and non-static method prototypes
Top level nested interface (static) |
As static class member |
All |
No |
Static members in enclosing context |
Static variables and non-static method prototypes