Section 11: Designing and Developing JSPs Using Custom Tags
11.1 Identify properly formatted tag library declarations in the Web application deployment descriptor.
taglib*, <!ELEMENT taglib (taglib-uri, taglib-location)>
<taglib-uri> </taglib-uri>
<taglib-location> /WEB-INF/JavaScriptExampleTag.tld </traglib-location> </taglib>
11.2 Identify properly formatted taglib directives in a JSP page.
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="dt" %>
-uri can be defined in web.xml or can be directly pointing to the TLD.
-prefix is used in the jsp to reference the tag. ( local namespace)
11.3 Given a custom tag library, identify properly formatted custom tag usage in a JSP page. Uses include:
- An empty custom tag- <msgBean:message/>
- A custom tag with attributes- <msgBean:message attrName="value" />
- A custom tag that surrounds other JSP code