<http-method>GET</http-method> ← if
no methods specified, then all methods are protected
</auth-constraint> ← if no role-name, then
not viewable by any user;
if role-name = "*" then viewable by all roles
</user-data-constraint> ← optional, indicates
SSL security
<realm-name>Default </realm-name> ←
optional, only useful for BASIC authentication
<form-login-config> ← optional, only useful
for FORM based authentication
</security-role> ← not req'd; explicitly declaring
the webapp's roles supports tool-based manipulation of the
6.3. For each of the following authentication types,
identify the correct definition of its mechanism
6.3.1. BASIC web server maintains a db of
usernames and passwords, and identifies certain web resources
as protected. When these are accessed, web server requests
username and password; this information is sent back to
the server, which checks it against its database; and either
allows or denies access. Disadvantage: provides
no confidentiality, no integrity, and only the most basic
authentication. Disadvantage: Transmitted passwords
are encoded using easily reversable Base64 encoding, unless
additional SSL encryption employed. Disadvantage:
plus, passwords are often stored on server in clear text Advantage: very easy to set up; useful for low-security
environments, e.g. subscription-based online newspaper
6.3.2. DIGEST variation to BASIC scheme;
instead of transmitting password over network directly,
digest of password used instead, produced by taking a hash
of username, password, uri, http method, and a randomly
generated nonce value provided by server. Server computes
digest as well, and compares with user submitted digest. Advantage: transactions are somewhat more secure
than with basic authentication, since each digest is valid
for only a single uri request and nonce value.
Disadvantage: server must still maintain a database of the
original passwords Disadvantage: digest authentication
is not supported by very many browsers
6.3.3. FORM the login page must include a
form with a POST to the URL "j_security_check"
with a username sent as j_username and a password j_password. any time the server receives a request for a protected
resource, the server checks if the user has already logged
in, e.g. server might look for Principal object in HttpSession
object. If Principal found, then roles are checked against
security contraints; if Principal not authorized, then client
redirected to <form-error-page> Advantage:
allows users to enter your site through a well-designed,
descriptive and friendly login page Disadvantage:
similar to BASIC, password is transmitted in clear text,
unless SSL used Disadvantage: similar to BASIC,
no standard logout mechanism (calling session.invalidate()
may work for FORM, but no guarantees), would need to close
browser Disadvantage: error page does not have
access to any special information reporting why access was
denied or even which page it should point the user at to
try again Disadvantage: similar to BASIC, relies
on server to authenticate, so only captures username and
password, not custom fields e.g. PIN #.
6.3.4. CLIENT-CERT BASIC, even with SSL encryption,
does not ensure strong client authentication since anyone
could have guessed or gotten hold of client's username and
password upon accessing a protected resource,
the server requests the client's certificate; the client
then sends its signed certificate (many browsers require
the client user enter a password before they will send the
certificate), and the server verifies the certificate. If
browser has no certificate, or if it is not authorized,
then access is denied. Advantage: the client
will never see a login page, although the browser may prompt
for a password to unlock their certificate before it is
sent Disadvantages: users must obtain and install
signed certificates, servers must maintain a database of
all accepted public keys, and servers must support SSL 3.0
in the first place.
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