- Identify the connectors names in a motherboard.
- Identify the components of an ATX (Micro ATX) motherboard.
- Identify the components of Mini ITX motherboard.
- Identifying Base-T Ethernet standards and their names.
- Identifying speed ranges of 802.11 standards.
- Identifying the characteristics of various printer types.
- Identifying the MSCONFIG options and their respective functions/features.
- Connecting to remote desktop in Windows 10.
- To share folders with other users on your network.
- Disabling start up program in Windows 10
- Disabling SSID broadcast using the simulator.
- Configure security encryption to WPA 2 with pass phrase.
- Connecting smart phone to a wireless network.
- Connecting smart phone to PoP3 email server.
- Configuring IP address, subnet mask, default gateway statically on a Windows client