1.1.a SDM templates:
SDM stands for Switching Database Manager. SDM templates are used to manage the system resources on a switch to their appropriate location and usability on the network for specific features. You can configure a template to allocate more resources for ACL, Vlans, mac addresses tables, etc.
You can select SDM templates for IP Version 4 (IPv4) to optimize these features:
Routing: The routing template maximizes system resources for unicast routing, typically required for a router in the center of a network.
VLANs: The VLAN template disables routing and supports the maximum number of unicast MAC addresses. It would typically be selected for a Layer 2 switch.
Default: The default template gives balance to all functions.
Access: The access template maximizes system resources for access control lists (ACLs) to accommodate a large number of ACLs.
Use the "no sdm" prefer command to reset the switch to the default desktop template. The default template balances the use of system resources.
To specify the SDM template to be used on the switch, use the following command in global config mode:
sdm prefer {access | default | dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 {default | routing | vlan} | routing | vlan}
The keywords have these meanings:
1. access - Maximize system resources for ACLs.
2. default - Give balance to all functions.
3. dual - ipv4 - and-ipv6 - Select a template that supports both IPv4 and IPv6 routing.
4. default - Balance IPv4 and IPv6 Layer 2 and Layer 3 functionality.
5. routing - Provide maximum usage for IPv4 and IPv6 routing, including IPv4 policy-based routing.
6. vlan - Provide maximum usage for IPv4 and IPv6 VLANs.
7. routing - Maximize routing on the switch.