About CCNP Switch Exam: CCNP certification may be obtained by passing three requisite exams, namely CCNP Route, CCNP Switch, and CCNP TShoot. Please note that CCNA is a qualifying certification for attempting CCNP. The CCNP Switch practice tests consist of 200+ questions. The features include Testlets, DragnDrop, and Router Simulations type questions that reflects the actual exam environment.
- Layer2 Technologies
- Configure and verify switch administration
- EConfigure and verify Layer 2 protocols
- Configure and Verify VLANs
- Configure and verify trunking
- Configure and Verify Etherchannels
- Configure and Verify Spanning Tree
- Describe chassis virtualization and aggregation technologies
- Infrastructure Security
- Configure and verify switch security features
- Describe device security using Cisco IOS AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS
- Infrastructure Services
- Appendix
BCMSN Exam cram (Retired)